Quick notes
Michele Giugliano, published on 17 April 2024
Personal Knowledge Management (PKM)
Over the last couple of years, I explored several apps for PKM. After getting more and more unhappy with Evernote and its proprietary format, I decided to stick to the minimalism of text file format and particularly of Markdown. I played with Roam Research, LogSeq, but I fell in love with Obsidian.
I have been however searching for a very very fast way to jot down a though or recover a bit of information I previously noted down. I don’t want to launch Obsidian every time and the create a new note or open an existing note. I wanted to have a superfast text editor to be spawn and presented on the screen.
Hammerspoon and MacVim
As a macOs user and searching for tools for automation, increased productivity, windows management, and short-cuts manager, I use Hammerspoon and found a super-fast way to spawn a text editor (i.e. in this case MacVim) for very rapidly note down information, to dos, snippets, etc. direclty appending to a note in my Obsidian notes vault:
hs.hotkey.bind(hyper, ",", function()
local fileToOpen = "PATH/TO/OBSIDIAN/VAULT/NOTES/scratch.md"
os.execute("/Applications/MacVim.app/Contents/bin/mvim " .. fileToOpen .. " &")
Configuring MacVim
I quickly found out that launching a terminal and then starting my favourite text editor, vim, took a few seconds. Using the GUI version of vim (i.e. MacVim), which may coexist with the standard vim on my system, allows a much much faster performance. This however requires to have an ad hoc .gvimrc
configuration file:
if has('gui_running')
" Put all your MacVim-specific settings here
set spelllang=en_us,it
set guifont=Monaco:h18
set columns=140
autocmd BufRead * execute "normal G2o"
autocmd BufRead * execute ":r!echo -------"
autocmd BufRead * execute ":r!date"
autocmd BufRead * execute "normal G2o"
autocmd BufRead * execute ":startinsert"
The final results
As I press my (Hammerspoon) hyperkey + comma, within less than a second MacVim appears and instantly opens scratch.md. MacVim is then ready, in insert mode by default at the end of the file, after appending the current date and time.
Such a scratch note is then used as a quick piece of paper, I no longer riks to loose.
I hope this might be of help.